Nobody knows what they are doing

Man Blogger
2 min readApr 15, 2022

This was a revelation for me — seriously, nobody KNOWS what they are doing, they’re all just doing their best.

I don’t believe epiphanies come in a flash. We hear the words, but it takes time and something subconscious within us for it to click. That is exactly what the title of this post will be for most people (as it was for me) — you read the words, you hear them in your head, but now is not the epiphany moment — that will (hopefully) happen sometime between now and death. The sooner the better!

So what the f*ck do I mean. It sounds like nonsense. Of course a doctor knows what they’re doing. An accountant knows what they’re doing. A teacher knows what they’re doing. The Prime Minister or President knows what they’re doing…

See what I did there? I think we can all agree that the last comment is not true (we can debate whether they are doing their best, but political this blog is not).

But you see how easy it is to assume everyone else has their sh*t together and KNOWS what they’re doing. It’s just not true. Life is continued learning and understanding that the person in front of you can still learn is seriously powerful.

The example I always give is interviews. Having been on both sides of the table, my #1 piece of advice to any candidate is

they are just another human doing their best, just like you

And that’s it. If you do your best, you’re able to compete with people who “know” what they’re doing.

