Responsibility … it’s great, but sh*t

Man Blogger
1 min readApr 1, 2022

I’ve always had the feeling of being responsible. What I mean is being the ONE who isn’t scared, being the ONE who offers the shoulder to cry on, being the ONE who doesn’t get cold … basically, being the ONE who doesn’t feel.

And let me be straight, I f*cking love that I am the one people look to and rely on. It makes me feel so f*cking powerful and strong — perhaps I just mean better than others.

But you know, once in a while (in truth: more often than that) it would be great to lose that pressure and feel like I’m allowed to feel, WITHOUT having to be the strong or brave one.

And that’s why now I ask other guys the simplest question in the world, but with almost puppy-dog eyes to show that I’m asking it deeper. “How are you doing?” the simplest, most powerful question in the world.

I like to think I’m pretty good at analysing things, but it never ceases to amaze me what can come out when you ask this to a man, but with the sincerity that you actually want to know the answer!

